In God He Trusts...

On the 16th of April, we crossed the milestone we had planned for so intricately over the last year. This effort towards this goal was probably driven by the same parental instinct which motivates you to try and have the best for your kids. At least, to the maximum extent possible, have the best options available for them to select from. We recieved Shubham's passport, a US one, this day. Shubham is now a US national, born to Indian parents, who wish to remain Indian yet themselves. I guess I am part of that expanding tribe of some of the Indians, which wants their progeny to be US citizens, but shy away from that commitment for themselves. At the end of the day, this tribe is happy to go back to their motherland, for whatever it holds in store for them. Yeah. Sure. But this blogticle is about Shubham's US passport and his US citizenship. It would be the first time in the Kulkarni clan, or in related families, that anybody would have his motherland and nationality different ...