
Showing posts from March, 2010

Aaj Holiday Aahe...

Shubham has now taken his 2nd or 3rd baby step in analytical comprehension. Now he can grasp constructs like if-then-else, action-reaction, cause-effect, basic shapes. His most interesting observation till date was when he saw a person exercising in the apartment. He pointed out 'Taingle'. I was about to ignore his pointing as a follied infantile babble, when my slower CPU brain connected the dots, and saw the 'taingle' or triangle he was referring to : the shape formed by the man's outstretched legs with the ground. He is also climbing the inquisitive ladder fast. 'He kaay ae? he kaay ae?' is a mantra that he chants unerringly at any new thing that his rapidly building encyclopedia cannot index to. And then he cements his knowledge by asking the 'he xyz aahe ka' type of questions. And they keep on coming faster than even the training ball machines on tennis courts can throw at you. But hey unlike the tennis balls, his innocently analytical questions...