
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Provisional Return To Innocence.

I took the pen in my hand after quite some time...or was that the keyboard I picked that doesn't sound too right. Ok, I am writing after quite some time...And it feels good. 'Twas after a nudge from my friend since childhood, to write about the current situation, that I am taking this up. So thanks Amit for getting me to activate my blog again. Things around the world are not normal, my immediate proximity included. There is clear and present danger around us.  My innate sceptic sense now tingles even more at any thing that is brought into the home from outside, be it groceries, or vegetables, or medicine strips. Their days of being imponderably innocuous objects are now past. It is mildly humorous, and dark, that I now look at a potato (or a bunch of spinach, or a box of detergent, or a simple strip of dispirin) and imagine if there is something virulently pathogenic on them, and if these have been compromised by a touch not so holy. And ponder briefly if thes...