
Showing posts from July, 2009

Benched by Shubham.

Today morning I returned from the bank, and turned inside crossing the entrance to the car-park. Shubham rambled along. There are two benches there placed opposite to each other, beside the walk-way. Shubham suddenly turned and climbed the bench, and sat there. And told me 'Teeee bassa', implying 'Sit, and on that bench there, not this one'. Then we just sat there for the next ten minutes. People came and passed by, minutes came and passed by. And we just sat there. Shubham looked around and admired the plants, and searched around for the 'fullu' or flowers. I indicated to him I we should go home now, but he clearly said 'naahi' (which he can say quite firmly now :-) ) . And we sat for somemore time. What was revealing to me that it is possible to spend time with Shubham without doing the high-energy running around or playing, and screaming part. Just sit down in front of each other. A nice and quiet moment to share.

Registering at the FRO Bangalore.

We landed in India on the 10th of Jan 2009. July 9 would have implied the completion of 6 months on returning back from the US.SHubham has a PIO, so he did not need a visa to enter India. He did not have a OCI since none of me or my wife is a US citizen or green card holder. We are part of that sect of the neue Indian populace which strives to get the world for their children, but themselves prefer to return to their motherland after they have gratified themselves with their adventurous forays abroad. So, around 1st week of June, we started working towards getting Shubham registered as a Resident Alien here in India, or Bangalore to be more specific. The first step we took is get a financial affidavit of support from a Chartered Accountant who got it notarised it for us. I won't mention the name here, but its in Jayanagar, and I had earlier got my pan card done, and income tax return done from him a few years back.I visited him on a Saturday. You will probably get the notarisation ...