Registering at the FRO Bangalore.

We landed in India on the 10th of Jan 2009. July 9 would have implied the completion of 6 months on returning back from the US.SHubham has a PIO, so he did not need a visa to enter India. He did not have a OCI since none of me or my wife is a US citizen or green card holder. We are part of that sect of the neue Indian populace which strives to get the world for their children, but themselves prefer to return to their motherland after they have gratified themselves with their adventurous forays abroad.
So, around 1st week of June, we started working towards getting Shubham registered as a Resident Alien here in India, or Bangalore to be more specific.
The first step we took is get a financial affidavit of support from a Chartered Accountant who got it notarised it for us. I won't mention the name here, but its in Jayanagar, and I had earlier got my pan card done, and income tax return done from him a few years back.I visited him on a Saturday. You will probably get the notarisation done by Monday evening, or by Tuesday maximum. I paid Rs.500 for the service. However, some chartered accountants get it done even for Rs.200. The format I had used for creating the affidavit document was the same prescribed in the FRO website.
Apart from the above affidaavit of financial support, the other documents needed were as follows :
1) Double copies of Shubham's passport
2) Double copies of Shubham's PIO.
3) Double copy of Address proof of parents/guardians. (A recent telephone bill)
4) Double copy of Passports of Parents.
5) Double copy of Shubham's Birth Certificate.
6) Double Copies of the PIO Document.
7) 3 Photos
Also note that the person (kid) being registered should also be present.
The forms needed to be filled up are :
FOREIGNERS REGISTRATION OFFICE (FRO) BANGALORE CITY Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) in Bangalore City is located at the Office of the Commissioner of Police, No.1, Infantry Road, Bangalore-560001. For Registration and extension of Residential Permit (RP) etc, please contact: a) Deputy Commissioner of Police, Intelligence, - 080-22200920(Fax) Office of the Commissioner of Police, - 080-22942354 Bangalore - 560 001 b) Asst. Commissioner of Police, - 080-22942186 City Special Branch (Administration), Office of the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore - 560001. Working hours: 10 AM to 5.30 PM on all working days (Monday to Saturday, except General holidays)
To drive there, you can actually get directions from Google, accurate to a good extent. Be aware
of parking unavailability around the commissioner's office. So, you might want to park in a private parking lot across a signal, by paying a small fee. Its a 5 minute walk from there to the commissioner's office.

When you walk in to the commissioner's office, you have to register your entry in first, in a small office at the gate to the left. Then inside straight ahead to the right is the office where you have to actual foreign registration.

You have to present your kid and the documents to one of the two persons sitting at the counter right when you enter the registration office. This might take some time depending on the crowd. It is a bit disorganized, but you can still manage. It is advised to be patient and polite, whatever the situation.

After the verification, you will be asked to get the signature of the Asst.Commissioner.

After t his you make the payment, and collect the acknowledgement from the rightmost counter. These counters are right beside the initial verification counter.

You have to submit the original passport to the Office, at the counter mentioned above (where you made the payment). You could collect this the next day or in two days. I submitted it on a Saturday, and collected it on Monday\Tuesday.

Make sure you preserve the acknowledgement receipt carefully.


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