The Olivera Crossing

At this moment of your life, you find yourself in a place, where you might or might not have visualised yourself in, some seasons ago.

May be you planned to get here, may be you didn't.
May be you wanted to be here, may be you didn't..
May be you do not like being here, or may be you do...!

One year ago I came to this place called Concord. My first impression while in the taxi from the San Francisco Airport, was that I might not be too comfortable with this area. God knows why I felt it that way then. Could be because I was more comfortable with the country-look of Malvern. I sure was intimidated at first. But then I knew I had people here whom I knew well from my past. So, I felt comforted.

The decision was taken to be here, for various reasons. I wanted this stopover in life to be reached. So this crossing is being made.

We live at an apartment complex. The apartments are on a drive, which is covered by a canopy of the plentiful trees. The Drive makes for a nice walk.

For the first three months after we came here, when our mobility was limited by the lack of my own car, a shopping complex within fifteen minutes of walk kept us good company. Though it was still winter during those months, the complex was at a distance which we could reach just before becoming too discomforted by the cold, and likewise reach home. The complex was our savior, so to say, as it housed grocery stores, a Taco Bell, a Pizza shop, all of which attempted to fulfill the needs of basic groceries; and restauranting too to keep us entertained. However, carrying the gallon of milk for that mile of a distance was a bit of a pain; though we were glad we could get these things home whenever needed.

This shopping complex, our companion then and now, is named after the crossroad it stands beside, The Olivera Crossing...

So, here we are. And we have come to like this place quite a bit now. We are indeed past the 'oh its so nice' factor, and have now gotten our area ingrained in our daily routine. We appreciate the nice green drive which is a pleasure for a nice walk ultimately destined to circumnavigate the Hillcrest Park; the view of Mount Diablo as we move across on the overpass; the proximity to the downtown; and convenient access to the necessary superstores; a nice balcony with a good view; the proximity to the office, and of course the many other conveniences that US offers, these amongst other things I am thankful to God for.

One year is more than enough to make a 'house' a 'Home' anywhere in the world. You start identifying with the place. Its yours. You have shared the unique advantages, conveniences, as well as the issues that the place brought along with it.

It is, at times, troubling to think that even this place is not our destination; now that we have gotten so comfortable with it. But its only a stopover. It is still some months to go by, but we would be moving out of here. To a question which we would like answered right now, but cannot.
Though it might seem like a special case, it really is not. This getting used to and then moving away has become a part of my life (and many other's lives) for the last decade.

The Olivera Crossing, stands for the crossroads at which I stand in my life now. And for that matter, its not me alone at this crossroad. There are others too, for whom this symbolic Olivera Crossing has been a witness to the passage of a significant time of their lives. This crossroad was encountered by each person at distinctively different stages of their lives. And from here, Each will take his own path, with differing elevations and textures; though it was nice for a while to have congregated, before we went our ways again.

Some have their routes chalked out for varying amounts of time in the future;
for some, this is yet to happen.

Some are looking forward with apprehension...;
Some with anticipation.

Most may look back with satisfaction for most of the time they spent here...;
some may have had some agonizing moments associated...

For Some, saying their goodbyes to this place may bring a quiet tear to the eye...
While for some, the excitement of newer places might be too distracting to look back much...

But without exception, All do look forward to the future, towards the new routes it may bring forth; always sincerely hoping these routes take them towards Greater Glory, Newer Experiences and More Happiness...

...and to yet another Olivera Crossing in our lives...


Anonymous said…
Well Writing..I liked it
ishmi said…
So true...and so beautifully depicted.
It is a physical representation of a certain stage in life...where you learn, grow,live...and you do have a way of conveying your feelings in simple words!
Beautiful! Absolutely! :)
Anonymous said…
Very well written. Do keep writing more often :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Shailendra, it's very good written!! I think you will find the answer whats going on in the future very soon.
Thanks for your comments everybody.
It really feels nice, I mean really, when you come to know you are read and appreciated too... :-) ...
Its just a small blog, but your comments give a big contentment.
ishmi said…
hey..long writing!?!?
Sadly for me very true... :-( ... But maybe the hot summer is to blame... The creative juices seem to have dried up... :-) ... But most probably a temporary lack of evocative motivation...
Anonymous said…
Looking forward for your new articles with sunshine
PREETI said…
the way u have described every minute detail;the feel of ur experince makes it outstanding .
not everyone can write like this.
just loved it .....

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