The Eagles have landed... :-) ...

We put our feet on the pious land of America on the 6… “…thamba THamba WAIT… did I hear you say pious land of America …“, you are probably interjecting just about now.
Yes, you did hear correct. Arre baba, Doesn’t everybody want to be in the US at least once, or see their wards there atleast once in a lifetime…Does any one talk of Kashi nowadays?
I think I saw some bulb flash.
So we re-begin the beginning, I would say.
We put our feet on the pious land of America on the 6th Of Jan 2006. I was familiar with this land due to earlier exposures. However Mugdha was breathing American air for the first time.
So all the more, I would have liked to add the epithets ‘cool crisp’ to the American air. However we landed in LA, and I felt exactly as I feel when I land at the Mumbai airport. Hot under my collar, mostly because of the sultryish weather.
We did not have to wait much at the LA airport. After much consternation about the connecting United Airlines flight, we did manage to catch the next available one to San Francisco. I would not talk much about L’affaire United, lest we start with a bad taste. But I would rather succinctly say that the airline would be better christened United Ration-Lines, so much for the hour-long helpless queue that we had to stand in after a much longer journey, with not much help. Man I ended up feeling so nostalgic about our very own Air Deccan, with this experience here, that too in US of all places.
(...contd in 'Concord Ahoy' ...)


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