Hot and Hotter...

It is getting unbearably hot in here. 41 degrees today…Probably the highest so far, this season. Expected to get higher over the next couple of days. Nagpur madhe aalyasaarkhe vatte.
Also, the days are getting very long now… It becomes dark only around 9.30pm. And is brightens up between 4.30 to 5.00 in the morning. In July August, it will probably get dark only by 10-10.30 at night. Or probably not, since today is supposed to be the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

Yesterday I had gone out for a walk at 7.00pm in the evening. It was so hot and bright, as if at 3.30 4.00 in the afternoon. By the time, I returned, my clothes and shoes were unbearably heated up. And I to take a cold shower to regain some sanity.

All this was amusing and interesting to us earlier, but now its beginning to get on our nerves.


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