Schones Wochenende...!

I do not know how I intended this blogticle (that's the term I have coined for a blog article) to be... When I started to write this one, I might have wanted it to describe a weekend I would consider to be ideal. Now I do not know what has been churned out. Anyway's here it is...

I leave office earlier on Friday. Thus starts the weekend celebration. (Not to say if I went early to office).

I come back home. Then I have a cup of tea (with milk - the Indian way), and some snacks. Doritos would be ideal here. After freshening up then, I would head down to any cafe, or say Starbucks, to start the winding down.

If it was Erlangen, one would probably head down to Bogarts, or one of the streetside cafes at the sqaure front of HauptPost, and savor a Wiesenbier or two, over the next hour and half, preferably with a juicy and tasty Vegetarische Baguette.
Somehow, the sandwiches, and burgers I have had, were infinitely more tastier in Germany than anywhere in the US. I don't know what it is, but the taste buds appreciate it more in the Europe.

The soft yellow sunlight, reflects off the vintage Erlangen Schloss (castle) as an inviting and mellowing orange colour. There are not too many people on the road. Those who are, are coasting along savoring the soft and sweet and cool zephyr. The setting is perfect for a winding down.

The Saturday and Sunday;I have spent many just boarding a bus from Hugenottenplatz, getting down at the last stop, and then walking back home. Many times through woods, through unknown, yet beautiful villages. The climate used to suit me well. Cool, a hint of clouds, and comfortably sunny. 'Bhatkanti' (or travelling) was my forte. I did spend my weekends well.
Maybe I ought to borrow a lesson or two from my past. :-) .

Schones Wochenende...!


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