The Searing Heat...

At 9.45pm, I was standing in my balcony, watching the last light of the day fade by ever so slowly.
And yet, at this time, when night has long past approached in other 'normal' parts of the world, a waft of heat instantly drove me back into the house. The concrete of the balcony incessantly radiated heat as if it was his moral responsibility.
It was 44 degrees Celcius yesterday. The highest so far this summer. It is getting worse than even most parts of India, I seem to know. A trip to Walnut Creek and back at 6.15 i n the evening yesterday, left me not comfortable even till morning next day, i.e. today.
Some people feel strange that I am not used to the heat, coming from the orient. However, that I am not used to is a fact.
It is a veritable torture to venture out (whether walk or by car) any time of the day.
And this thing continues till August-end I hear. Anyways, there would a letup in this heat wave after the weekend, as per the Weather channel. So let hope for the best from tommorrow.