The Wild Fire Season...

It is the wild fire season in US, and particularly California... There are more than a dozen wild fires going on the rampage right now. Wild fires spring from a variety of factores like the high temperatures combined with dry grass, and sparked off sometimes by lightening too. And if the fire is more fortunate than the affected area, it is fanned by high winds. In all the national park areas in the US, we have the fire danger probablities displayed for the day.

Here is an interesting picture I took, when I was on my way to Los Angeles, on the I-5.
I don't know how exactly this grass fires was triggered off, probably by a truck which seemed to have exploded to smithereens. But it sure had spread over a huge acreage. And the fire services had a hard time reaching it bypassing the long-weekend traffic. In this photo, the haze developed by the smoke from the fire, interacts with the exhaust trail of a gone-by airplane, and combined with the setting sun, proves to be a very interesting picture. The picture was probably taken sometime around 8.00pm at night (yes, with the sun still ablaze) . Doesn't this picture look like a meteor is zooming across, like a scene from the Armageddon? :-) . God Forbid.


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