The No-Blog Blog....

After a series of periodic blogticles in July, there is suddenly a lull. Nearly half of August has come to pass, without a single blogticle posted on my blog. So, for the sake of the lull, i have commanded my pen, um, er... my keyboard to head somewhere ; where, I know not.
A lull on this blog, nevertheless, there was quite some activity on elsewhere. Aai-Papa attended the interview, and got the US visa. They have started planning to come to the US. Here, I too have started ramping up a bit, in preparation for their arrival.

Also, the East beckons in mid-September. Travelling for pleasure too brings forth its tensions. The packing, the journey, the need and urgency to see what all there is to see, the stay away from home. Talking of Home, 'Home' has become a thing of mystery now. I do not know whether to be happy or sad in this regard. I do not really know what to call my home now. Should I be calling Mayoor (Dadar) as my home. Or is Elite (Bangalore) my new home address. Or is it Meadowwood now. Even Nandi (Blr) was sort of my 'home' for a significant while of my life. This is not my dilemma alone, but more and more people all over face this question. Gypsydom has more followers than ever before... the Bivouac is here to stay I guess... :-) ... Quite a paradox... !


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