It Never Really Is That Far Away...!

Your Dreams, Your Fears, Phases of Life, All the Good and Bad In Our Life, Are Really Not That Far Away...! All sorts of things hit you even before you can say 'Duck'...

Taking the positive, as I said, this goes for our dreams too... We just have to try ; we are bound to end up somewhere nearby. But the most important thing is knowing where you want to go... Else you end up just being a drifter....

A 'Vision', as Dr.Amitava Datta used to say, (the person who gave Siemens Soarian such a momentum) is critical for well-directed and measurable progress. Its like a force (motivates you towards your foreseen goals), and at the same time like a rudder (guides the force in the direction of your goals). You need to see where you want to be may be a few years down the line, atleast. I.e. Imagining the context of your existence after the trees have shed leaves a few more times. May be something like this. "Living happily (this happy word can have endless elaboration) with family (can be more specific here :-) , in a house with all the modern amneties (elaborate more, 3BHK house in xyz city, with a big screen TV and Home Theatre and great interiors, and a BMW). Will be a Program Manager in office with so many sub-ordinates. Will be able to dictate time spent in office, or be in a position to earn so much outside of office. Will have roamed US/Europe/both with family. Will have re-paid so much of the debt. Will have so much in Savings. Will be in a position to free-will by so much time."

Must clarify that the above is only an example. And not my vision. I am only exemplying above.

I dunno if I was able to sustain my vision for a long time. May be (?) I conveniently drifted after a while. But the vision surely helped propel and direct, while it lasted.


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