Vice Maxx

Its The Heaven On Earth, albeit leading straight to Hell. Its Vegas, Las Vegas....
...with an unpardonably glamorous glorification of all the vices you could possibly find on our burdened planet...

Though Gambling was probably the 'original sin' of Vegas, there are the other objects of desire which keep good pace with it now...Wine and Women...primarily.

The dens of unrestricted vice as some may call them, or the casinos, are constructions of extravagant splendor. It is as if Kuber has himself funded the construction of 'The Strip', as the prime length on the Las Vegas Boulevard is so very affectionately called by the world.

I had seen some pictures earlier, but I was entirely mesmerised by what I saw with my own eyes. Perhaps I was not the first person to react so on reaching Vegas. (am I the master of understatement or what...)

The trip schedule to Vegas was the outcome of many adjustments and compromises. And it also turned out to be a test of hardiness, as my dear health wobbled around especially during the second day.

Anyway, this blog is not supposed to be my trip itinerary, but about the feeling I derived from the experience.

So here goes...

Even during the day, this neatly spread out desert city, comfortably ensconced in the dry plains surrounded by the Sierra Nevada mountains, exudes a feeling of being the perfect place for the Wild West Movies. By no coincidence, this area WAS the wild west. May be its even wilder now... :-)...

Like most of the forbidden pleasures it so unabashedly stands for, Vegas is to be relished at night. 'The Strip' is ablaze with the pompous and brilliantly radiant illuminations from the plethora of Casinos proclaiming their grandiose and incessantly triumphant existence.

As seen from above the Stratosphere tower, Vegas, at night, is a complete Glittering Fantasy. A Night-Scape visually so beautiful that you absolutely cannot have enough of it. Check it out in the photo ( I am sure my photographic skills did not do justice to the brilliant, dazzling, enamoring beauty exuded by the captivating nocturnal Vegas.

I would remember for quite some time to come, the awesome feeling that overcame me, when I stepped into the lobby of the Stratosphere. I knew I was going to be in an amazing place, far different than I had ever seen anywhere in India, Europe or U.S. The place really seemed grand to me. The arrays of the bright and inviting slot machines, the roulette's, and poker tables was quite a sight. All was swathed in a wholesome red, probably the colour of the carpet, whose accent was enhanced by the lighting effects. All in all, it seemed a great place to spend the two nights planned there, and get an amazing new experience in this life.

And Stratosphere is just at the place where the strip ends and the downtown begins. It is a great place to stay for the night, and is a good combination of ambiance, luxury, price and convenient conveyance. Also, the access is conveniently facilitated by the Deuce bus. So, conveyance is not a big deal. And it offers room rates much more economical than the central casinos like MGM Grand, Luxor, Mandalay Bay, Mirage, Venetian, Paris, New York-New York, Treasure Island, Circus-Circus and many others.

Each of these Casino Hotels offer their own unique themes. The Venetian, I found most interesting. With a Venetian day ambiance beautifully reconstructed, Venice Town centre, a day-sky, the canals, bridges, the gondola rides et all.

Also many of the casinos have the special attractions - free at times, others at a premium. The Musical Fountains of the Bellagio, the TI Show, the Circus acts at where else- Circus-Circus. Premium ones include The Blue Man Group, a show by Celine Dion, and many many many other shows.

You do not really get bored of Vegas. But tired of running around too many casinos in a short time. And at times intimidated by its seedier unruly side, which one can be well-advised of (after all...of course...). Vegas is a place to spend a week at leisure, experience the best casinos minus the rush. Let the grandeur take you in slowly.

Before you reach the end of this article, I must accept that there is ostentatious language in this blogticle; but I felt this really befits Vegas, and a good way to convey the euphoria it stoked within me while I was there. (Ostentatiousness is quite unlike me - who is more oriented to subtlety. But then Vegas is not about subtlety, is it :-) ?

This visit left me with lots of yet-to-sees. Lets see if I can make it again...God Willing... or should I say Satan Willing... :-) ...


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