Shubham gets his First Haircut...

Shubham got his first haircut today the 2nd of Dec 2008. This was nearly 11 months after his birth.

We went to the Supercuts in the Marketplace Dr. It lies in the same complex near Panera Bread and Chipotle. I guess Papa would remember that. He has been to the complex a few times.

The lady performing the haircut did it niftyly. So the experience was good and not at all tiresome.

Shubham was a bit uncomfortable when she attempted to cut the hair near his ears. But otherwise, but Mugdha and I were talking to him all the while, and he was ok.

After the haircut, he looks a bit grownup now. This prompted me to change my way of talking to him and the way I look at him with mind's eyes.

His first locks, as per the family tradition, need to be deposited in a river. We chose the Mississippi, no less. The next time I travel to La Crosse, I would stop by the beautiful Rest Area (the first one on the Minnesota side while returning from La Crosse). The Mississippi is usually frozen at this time of the year. But I observe that the area on the right side of the lock and barrage is not yet frozen. So I would head out to the Mississippi to do the needful before it completely freezes over.

The Caucasian belle who cut Shubham's hair is by name of April. On a lighter note, though I was the first in my family to get his hair cut by a Caucasian beauty, but Shubham was the first one to have even his first haircut done by by one. :-) .

With the typical US penchant for glorification (whether deserving or mundane), Shubham even got a certificate on his first Haircut. :-) . Attaching it below for some fun. Ciao for now.


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