Merge to Confirm

As I position myself to come out of my apartment complex, I am cut off by a thick perpendicular slab of disagreeable traffic. Even as the daily routine is about to kickstart, this manifestation of the social chaos is the first hurdle to assess, tackle, and merge into. Your morning tranquility zone ends here abruptly to a jarring cacophony. The squealing and squawking of the swarm of two wheelers - which is the first you need to tackle since they buzz from the sides in this traffic- is akin to those of a bunch of unruly parrots, which descend on you suddenly.
I wait for a few seconds to prepare my required shift to the next energy band. For those two seconds however, my mind slips into alternative thought. Should I work from home just today to avoid this traffic? Probably not. Do I like enough doing what I do? What do I like doing?  My thoughts still reach me over the din of the vehicles, but cannot start in these few seconds a journey towards a conclusion. The starting melody of a song, this though very soft I can still percieve emnating from the speakers of the car. Ironically, the song is Nataranga Ubha - which in the movie introduces the character who goes all the way to instantiate his passion. I confirmingly merge into the incessant push of the morning traffic.


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