Schones Wochenende...!
I do not know how I intended this blogticle (that's the term I have coined for a blog article) to be... When I started to write this one, I might have wanted it to describe a weekend I would consider to be ideal. Now I do not know what has been churned out. Anyway's here it is... I leave office earlier on Friday. Thus starts the weekend celebration. (Not to say if I went early to office). I come back home. Then I have a cup of tea (with milk - the Indian way), and some snacks. Doritos would be ideal here. After freshening up then, I would head down to any cafe, or say Starbucks, to start the winding down. If it was Erlangen , one would probably head down to Bogarts, or one of the streetside cafes at the sqaure front of HauptPost, and savor a Wiesenbier or two, over the next hour and half, preferably with a juicy and tasty Vegetarische Baguette. Somehow, the sandwiches, and burgers I have had, were infinitely more tastier in Germany than anywhere in the US. I don't know wha...